It has been discovered recently that militias in Misrata have been killing indiscriminantly any proposed supporters of Gadhafi. These militias have specifically targeted a town a few miles away named Tawergha. There were upwards of 100 such militias in Misrata and many still exist. The reason for most of the resentment is the continuous assault on the city that occurred during the end of Gadhafi's reign earlier this year. It is obvious that in this post-war time in Libya there is a need for accountability for human rights violations. To get the country back to running there needs to some form of authority and it needs to be shown in the refounding of a state. As the Misratan militia have been seen shooting and killing people of Tawergha unarmed. Their campaign has not been limited to this other city of Tawergha, but also to any other groups that were supporting Gadhafi.
The human rights violated in this case is right to life and the right to freedom of opinion. The right to life is violated in a very blatant sense in this particular case in Libya. There is not any way around it. The right to freedom of opinion is violated in the sense of killing purely because the person's beliefs are different than yours.
It is ridiculous to think that killing people is the only solution to some to get what they need. Though I understand their frustrations and their reasons with their situation and yet they should avoid bloodshed of this magnitude. Now that the war has ended there should have been a decrease in death and murder because now the whole country has a chance to rebuild. It seems that there may be a need for United Nations peace keeping forces to help quell the violence.
How can the murders be stopped? Are UN Peace Keeping forces needed? Should there be any intervention?
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