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Sunday, October 16, 2011

Dear President Obama, Uganda Needs Your Help

On Human Rights Watch, recently, a video expressing a plea of desperation from the peoples of Uganda, the Democratic Republic of Congo, and the Central African Republic. The Lord’s Resistance Army has plagued these people for decades now. The LRA is known for stealing children to be soldiers and prostitutes. They have run rampant through much of Northern Uganda, Democratic Republic of Congo, Central African Republic, and Sudan causing all sorts of death and destruction for seemingly no purpose. The plea to President Obama is to act on the law he has put into place to aid and cease the LRA’s terrorizing of the people in these countries.
There are several human rights violated by the LRA and the governments of these countries through the lack of action. The first and foremost is the right to life possessed by all people. The LRA has gone around robbing people of their lives in more than one way from murdering hundreds of people to brainwashing and forcing children into their ranks and leaving them little to do once they have left if they can escape. Next is the right to safety from violence, which obviously is not observed by this group as seen in the needless killing and injuring of people all through their area of dominion. One that has been violated by the governments of the countries is the right to seek asylum from these horrors. Refugees live in horrible conditions in different countries and areas of their own.
I have followed the story in Uganda closely since learning about it when I was still high school. The LRA has been the most devastating terrorist group in recent years in my opinion. It forces young boys to be soldiers and young girls to be prostitutes for its soldiers. They have the children kill their parents so they feel they cannot go home because no one will accept them. Anything done to children I feel is the worst violation of human rights. These children cannot protect themselves from such horrific things and to target them is unforgivable. I feel that President Obama must keep up his end of the bargain and begin to act on his law to relieve the people of this area of Africa.

Do you think that Obama should hold up his end of the bargain? Why has this atrocity been allowed to go on for so long?


  1. I definitely do think that the President should act upon the law in place and aid the people, who clearly cannot do this by themselves. I would like to know what the law that Obama signed says, and exactly how much aid he promised to give. I agree with you though, this is a violation of human rights, and since the government of Uganda is not doing anything about it, someone has the responsibility to. I am going to do more background on this, it interests me a lot and I would like to know what happens with this situation.

  2. Okay so I have a question that might seem very....well, bad. BUT, I'll ask anyways.....Just wondering, why is the US over there by ourselves in the first place? I could see if it was the entire UN joining together and combining all resources for a common cause, but it doesn't seem that way. It seems like America is always involved in something, anything. That's not necessarily a bad thing, but it's not always good either. For the people of Uganda, I truly hope the LRA gains a heart (which I doubt, but I still do). BUT, I do not feel that America should be trying to tackle this alone because the resources going over there are not really helping the American people who need those same resources for different purposes. I think we need to get ourselves more stable before we can trying prosper in anything else.
